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groov EPIC Processors
GRV-EPIC-PR1 Programmable automation controller
GRV-EPIC-PR1 Programmable automation controller
groov EPIC Chassis
GRV-EPIC-CHS0 Processor and power supply only mounting chassis
GRV-EPIC-CHS4 4-module analog/digital/serial mounting chassis
GRV-EPIC-CHS8 8-module analog/digital/serial mounting chassis
GRV-EPIC-CHS16 16-module analog/digital/serial mounting chassis
groov EPIC Power Supplies
GRV-EPIC-PSAC Power supply, 110-240 VAC
GRV-EPIC-PSDC Power converter, 24-48 VDC
GRV-EPIC-PSPT Pass-through power adapter, 11.4–12.6 VDC, up to 9 A
Note: groov Manage, groov View, PAC Control Runtime, and Node-RED are included with the GRV-EPIC-PR1 . CODESYS® Runtime, Ignition Edge®, and Secure Shell are pre-installed but require a license (order part number below):
GROOV-LIC-CRE groov EPIC activation key for CODESYS Runtime
GROOV-LIC-EDGE groov EPIC activation key for Ignition Edge
GROOV-LIC-SHELL groov EPIC activation key for Secure Shell access
groov Discrete Input Modules
GRV-IAC-24 AC input, 24 ch, 85-140 VAC
GRV-IACS-24 AC input, 24 ch, 85-140 VAC, on/off state only
GRV-IACI-12 AC input, 12 ch, 85-140 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-IACIS-12 AC input, 12 ch, 85-140 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation, on/off state only
GRV-IACHV-24 AC input, 24 ch, 180-280 VAC
GRV-IACHVS-24 AC input, 24 ch, 180-280 VAC, on/off state only
GRV-IACIHV-12 AC input, 12 ch, 180-280 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-IACIHVS-12 AC input, 12 ch, 180-280 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation, on/off state only
GRV-IDC-24 DC input, 24 ch, 15-30 V
GRV-IDCS-24 DC input, 24 ch, 15-30 V, on/off state only
GRV-IDCI-12 DC input, 12 ch, 10-30 V, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-IDCIS-12 DC input, 12 ch, 10-30 V, ch-to-ch isolation, on/off state only
GRV-IACDCTTL-24 AC/DC input, polarity insensitive, 24 channels, 2–16 V AC/DC
GRV-IACDCTTLS-24 AC/DC input, polarity insensitive, 24 channels, 2–16 V AC/DC, on/off state only
groov Discrete Output Modules
GRV-OAC-12 AC output, 12 ch, 12-250 VAC
GRV-OACS-12 AC output, 12 ch, 12-250 VAC, on/off state only
GRV-OACI-12 AC output, 12 ch, 12-250 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-OACIS-12 AC output, 12 ch, 12-250 VAC, ch-to-ch isolation, on/off state only
GRV-ODCI-12 DC output, 12 ch, 5-60 VDC, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-ODCIS-12 DC output, 12 ch, 5-60 VDC, ch-to-ch isolation, on/off only
GRV-ODCSRC-24 DC output, 24 ch, 5-60 VDC, sourcing
GRV-OMRIS-8 AC/DC output, 8 ch, mechanical relay, 0-250 VAC/5-30 VDC, 5 A
groov Analog Input Modules
GRV-IICTD-12 Analog input, temperature, ICTD, 12 channels
GRV-IMA-24 Analog input, 24 ch, configurable input ranges of 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, +20 mA
GRV-IMAI-8 Analog input, 0–20 mA, isolated, field or chassis-powered loop, 8 channels
GRV-ITMI-8 Analog input, 8 ch, thermocouple or mV, ch-to-ch isolation
GRV-IV-24 Analog input, 24 ch, 8 configurable input ranges from ±1.25 VDC to ±160 VDC
groov Analog Output Modules
GRV-OVMALC-8 Analog output, 8 ch, voltage or current, chassis-powered loop
GRV-OVMAILP-8 Analog output, 8 channels, voltage or current, ch-to-ch isolation, field or chassis-powered loop
groov Serial Modules
GRV-CSERI-4 Serial communication, 4 ch, RS-232 or RS-485, ch-to-ch isolation